OUR Vision

Our vision as a boutique broker is to provide tailored solutions and excellent service to all of our clients so that all parties can enjoy a long-term relationship.

our mission

Our business model is based on the success of all our customers.

We have created a platform where we can combine innovative solutions, cutting edge technology, highly competitive trading conditions, extremely fast trade execution and exceptional customer service.
As an execution‐only broker with no dealing desk, we accept all types of traders and trading strategies, creating an optimal environment for success.

our values

Our values define who we are, what we stand for, and how we behave.

  • Humanity
  • Honesty
  • Transparency
  • Professionalism
  • Flexibility
  • Cooperation
  • Progress
  • Growth
  • Commitment
  • Respect

OUR team

Our team consists of experienced experts with over 20 years of experience in the financial field.

The whole team is intrinsically motivated to work hard to find the best solutions for our clients.

Our team enjoys their work and fully identifies with the high standards of MAG Markets.

Everyone is willing to learn, able to take criticism and is a true team player. The motto "You have to like people" is our guiding principle, because behind every business there are people whose needs have to be experienced in order to be able to satisfy them.


Fully customer-oriented products to build up long term business relationships.

Fair and transparent Eco-System with added value for all clients.

Direct access to decision takers.

Highest quality of customer service.

Professional business approach with human touch.

Highly motivated team at the service of customers.


MAG Markets understands sustainability as the possibility to create long-term and satisfying results from the available resources for all parties involved, which are not at the expense of individual participants.
MAG Markets naturally wants to grow and generate more sales. However, our focus is not on short-term profit, but on qualitative growth with ever better and higher-quality products for our customers.

  • Collaboration only with partners who themselves act and think sustainably.
  • Boutique broker approach: We offer specific services for a small clientele, which we can then serve 100%, no scuttles or belly-­loading principle.
  • Lean management: lean company structure, structured and efficient processes, human resources performance management.
  • Emphasis on transparency, seriousness and long-­term customer relationships.
  • Fair business relations with all customers and partners.

Payment Methods